The first big challenge is figuring out where to place it so it's relatively easy to get to, but where it won't record every car/person that goes by. That turned out to be a big problem because our property is very steep everywhere but the driveway and we certainly didn't want to put the camera in the driveway. We finally decided on just the right tree and mounted the camera.
Now when we visit, one of the first things I do is retrieve the memory card from the Stealth Cam to see what I got! As Dale says, "To quote Forrest Gump, it's like a box of chocolates-you never know what you're gonna get!". The camera detects heat/ movement and is set to shoot 3 shots. My very first photo was a squirrel!
Of course the other two shots were the squirrel's tail as he hurried up the tree. I have a lot of pictures of these same trees with no sign of wild life. Either they flew away before the camera snapped or maybe the wind blew the leaves. I don't know, but it's rather funny to see me straining to find some sign of wildlife in those shots! Here's a photo of nothing (unless you see something I don't!)
The night shots are a little creepy! The camera has been activated several times at night and I don't think it's birds or squirrels! Can you see her?
Most of the shots just get deleted, but every now and then we get a decent picture. This is (top) a Pilated wood pecker and (bottom) a cardinal. They're probably wondering whatever happened to the bird feeder that used to hang nearby!