Our hike for the day was Alum Cave Bluff. My personal goal was to reach Arch Rock and let the guys go on up to the Bluff. The weather was cool and damp, but great for hiking. We all made it and it was all spectacular! At 4,000+ feet in elevation, the leaves had turned and the colors were breathtaking. Check it out.
It took us a while to hike the trail because we kept stopping every few feet to take another photo!
We finally did make it to Arch Rock. What a sight. The trail goes up right through that huge rock. I would hate to be the one who had to drill that hole!
At this point, I turned around and started back down the trail and let the guys continue on. The trail to Arch Rock was 1.4 miles with a change in elevation of 400 feet. The rest of the trail from Arch Rock to Alum Cave Bluffs is .9 mile with a change in elevation of 800 feet. I guess you can figure out why I turned around. Anyway, I took a leisurely stroll back to the car and waited for the guys to return. They said it was well worth the extra mile, but I probably wouldn't have enjoyed the climb. They did get some photos to share.
After our hike we had lunch on the porch at Paul's Family Restaurant and then headed for Harrah's.
The plan was to spend the night in Cherokee so we wouldn't have to get up quite so early to get to Bryson City for our 9:00 am train. We rested up and then had a fabulous dinner at Brio Tuscan Grill. Mama Mia, was it good! I had Lobster Bisque and Mediterranean Shrimp.
After dinner we headed down to the casino to try our luck. I was the big winner (85 cents) on nickel slots. We left early because none of us could stomach all that smoke. We headed up for bed so we could rise and shine for our train ride. No photos allowed on the casino floor, but the lobby area was magnificent! That fuzzy photo shows rain falling.
On Thursday we spent the day traveling from Bryson City to the Nantahala Outdoor Center by train. It was very cool and rainy and we were in an open car (so I could take photos), but we dressed appropriately and stayed relatively dry and warm.
After a long wet day, we headed back to the hacienda to dry out, warm up, and wait for our weekend company. We look forward to more fun adventures soon.