Christmas 2016 rolled around and, since we weren't doing the usual display of boxes, I planned a Hawaiian themed morning, complete with matching t-shirts and photo booth.
Even Cassie got in on the action!
We played Island games like The Big Kahuna. (Bobby won.)
Then we opened gifts. Well, I wasn't going to totally eliminate Christmas! Everybody got a stocking full of travel goodies and one small gift (sandals, underwater camera accessories, portable hiking sticks...)
As for our big trip items, our gift to the kids: lodging in Hawaii, Jenny and Bobby gifted us the rental car, and Jeff would be providing some of the meals. We were all set and waiting for April 2017. And now after 16 months of planning, dreaming, and making out my Hawaii bucket list, April has arrived! The bags are packed and we're ready for our Big Family Vacation on the Big Island!
Beautiful place. Have fun.